You Ready?
Are you ready for your next step? Make sure. U Ready founder Joshua Sheffer's forthcoming book, The U Solution: College Success from the Classroom to the Dorm Room and Everywhere In-Between, will start you on your path to success!
Coming Soon!U Ready
College is a whole new world, with new challenges, expectations, and requirements. Make sure you're ready. Get a copy of our free ebook:
3 Sneaky Pitfalls all Students Face, and How to Avoid Them.Get Ready.
Getting you U Ready with our comprehensive preparation solutions.
How U Ready can help you.Scott Starkey, Co-founder of Aware Awake Alive
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For a limited time, those who join our mailing list will receive a free copy of Joshua Sheffer's eBook, "3 Sneaky Pitfalls All College Students Face, and How to Avoid Them." Regularly priced up to $15.00, this resource will give you the information and tools you need to start off your college career on the right foot.