Solutions & Services

The U Solution

College Success from the Classroom to the Dorm Room

Order Joshua Sheffer's forthcoming book designed to help students define and achieve true success in every aspect of their college or university experience.


Contact U Ready, LLC to check Joshua's availability to speak at your event. Choose from our pre-designed programs and keynotes, or have one created to meet your unique needs.

Courses and Workshops

U Ready, LLC offers online courses and live workshops and seminars to prepare college students to achieve their greatest success. Custom workshops and seminars are available to meet your community's needs.

Interested in a custom service or solution? Contact us.

Study Skills

Learn to study effectively and efficiently.

Note Taking

Discover how to take notes you can use.


Improve your writing to improve your grades and overall communication.

Time Management

Make the most out of your day; have time for school and fun.

Common Dangers

Learn how to recognize and avoid dangers and hazardous situations.

Improve Your World

Discover effective ways to make your college or university community safer by becoming part of the solution.

"Preparing you for total college success."