Although I had significant experience as an adjunct professor, making the switch to full-time academia was not easy. Believe it or not, there’s a lot to do. I have to prep for courses–trust me students, it takes more time for the professor to prep (at least the first few times they teach that certain course) […]
Tag Archives: college student
The other red zone.
It’s that time again. Kids will be moving back to campus soon. Then, a little while after they all move in, everything else starts happening all at once. Orientation. Classes start. On-campus clubs and activities start recruiting new members. Parties. Friendships begin to develop. Social patterns start forming. So much will be happening. For new […]
It’s not what you think.
What is college all about? How should I look at college? Is college the best years of my life? Does that mean it’s all downhill after I graduate? Is college all about training for my future career? Or is it about social growth and experience; experimentation and finding myself? These are some of the questions […]
Welcome, welcome, welcome…
Welcome to U Ready, LLC’s blog, we’re glad you’re here. The “U” in U Ready stands both for “you” and for “university” (or college but, let’s be honest, “C Ready” doesn’t sound nearly as cool). Really, we’re here to help U (you) be Ready for U (university). We’ll regularly use this blog for all sorts […]